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The culinary tradition of Bergamo is often and wrongly neglected by the official food guides. Strongly influenced by the Venetian cuisine, it is mainly characterised by simple dishes but with strong tastes, reflecting the peasant nature of the people.
Bergamo has always been a poor territory, therefore the local people could only make use of the basic products coming from the earth. No wonder then, that still today the traditional cuisine is based on local products. Typical dishes are the "casonsei" and the famous "polenta" , which is often flavoured with a quality of cheese called Branzi, and can be served alone or with meat.


Casonsei is certainly the most appreciated dish of the Bergamo cuisine. It is prepared with home made pasta and meat filling. Originally, the preparation of this dish was a way to reuse the waste of bovine and pork meat, but in the course of the centuries the product has refined, and in the 19th century it has gained full honors, thank to the quality of both the pasta and the filling. The filling in particular became much richer respect to the traditional recipe, thanks to the addition of amarettos (almond sweets), sultan grape, pears and lemon peel.

Polenta (potato porridge): a real inhabitant of this city would never accept to eat another polenta besides the Bergamo polenta. According to the old peasant recipe, the one and only polenta must be golden colored, hot, flavored and soft, and must be exclusively poured on the cutter plate. According to tradition, during cooking time some cheese is added (usually the Branzi, e quality of cheese coming from the valleys). Today polenta is often served as a side dish, accompanying meat, birds or mushrooms, while in the past it was meant as a single dish, very substantial, ideal for the poorest families, ad it was often sprinkled with fresh milk .


With a play of words referring to "i Mille" (the Thousands of volunteers that from Bergamo joined Garibaldi in the expedition of 1860 set up to liberate and unify the Italian peninsula in an independent country) the «Ristoranti dei Mille... sapori» («Restaurants of the Thousand... flavours») is a selection of venues compiled by the Chamber of Commerce based on quality requirements and the commitment to offer a menu at a set price.

The aim of this initiative is to enhance the food culture and local products, but also meet the needs of those visitors who are not acquainted with the hospitality of the area.
In these pages local quality restaurants are the true protagonists and present themselves as an outstanding asset, one more reason to appreciate a visit to Bergamo.
In this way Bergamo may also be remembered through its cuisine and the skill of restaurateurs, who offer genuine dishes, rich in flavour and history.

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